Netflix has debuted a new unscripted docuseries, “
The World’s Most Amazing Vacation Rentals.” The show’s three hosts: Million Dollar Listing New York’s Luis D. Ortiz and content creators Megan Batoon and Jo Franco experience three destination vacation rentals per episode, including -friendly, exceptionally unique, and over-the-top luxurious.One of the show’s episodes features private island vacation rentals including the ultra-luxury destination that is
Cuvée’s Royal Island. It’s an exclusively private, 430-acre island off the coast of North Eleuthera in the Bahamas.The cast gets a taste of the uber-private luxe island life. From picnicking on remote sandbars and the incredible culinary specialties of Cuvée’s world-renowned Chef Sergio, to jet skiing through crystal clear blue waters and sailing the days away, the experience on Royal Island was undoubtedly a cast favorite. “You can do anything you want and live your best life in one of the most remarkable destinations in the world,” said Ortiz. “Feels like coming into a dream that you control and when you leave you wake up.”Hosting the cast and crew was one of the true highlights of 2020 for Cuvée. The show’s talent and production teams were the last guests to stay on Royal Island prior to COVID-19 shutdowns in early 2020 and Executive Producer, George Verschoor shares that, “The property, the amenities, the staff and the service is the definition of luxury. Of all the places we traveled to around the world, Cuvée’s Royal Island is one of our favorite destinations!”“World’s Most Amazing Vacation Rentals” debuts on Netflix June 18, 2021 and the private island-themed episode highlighting Cuvée’s Royal Island is #5.
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