When you travel, you live out of a bag. Everything you need is contained in that bag so it’s important to select the right one.We can talk about what makes the best luggage, but probably more important is your choice of carry-on because not only will you be using it on the plane, but chances are it could be the bag you use throughout the day in the place you’re visiting.When we add a bag to our store, we carefully consider how people will use it when they are on the move. We felt that this
dual-pouch dry/wet travel bag was an excellent choice. Not only does it have a spacious main compartment, but it features a secondary compartment at the bottom that is accessed with a sturdy zipper.That second compartment is the perfect place to stash a pair of muddy shoes, a wet bathing suit or something dirty that you don’t want stinking up the rest of your bag.Constructed from durable cotton with rugged nylon straps for easy carrying, the bag comes in a pleasing palate of colours, some more feminine and some more masculine so there’s a choice for everybody.Measuring 30 cm high, by 39 cm in length and 18 cm in width, this bag hits the sweet spot in size as a useful carry-on and day bag.
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