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Tips from a first-timer on how to drive a Class A motorhome
With overseas trips being more complicated during the pandemic, many North Americans have embraced the RV lifestyle, but they are finding that there is a a learning curve on how to drive and manage a large motorhome.Holiday Rambler has partnered with Spencer and Kristi from the Adventurtunity Family to share their experiences as they travel the United States in a 2017 Vacationer 36H from Holiday Rambler with their four-year-old son Kade and puppy Ruko Blu. The family purchased their 37-foot RV in July 2020 and started living on the road full time that September.Since then, they’ve chronicled their adventures on Instagram and the Holiday Rambler blog.Dad Spencer does the majority of the driving of the family’s Holiday Rambler and recently shared his tips and advice for handling a Class A motorhome in a blog post.Learning to Drive a Class A Motorhome by Spencer from Adventurtunity FamilyThere is something about learning to drive a Class A motorhome that gives some people pause when they are trying to decide what type of RV to buy for their family. It was one of the most frequent questions I got when we brought home our Vacationer. Friends and family alike would look at it and say, “That’s a beautiful motorhome…no way I could drive that!” Or something like, “That’s gotta be so scary to drive. How did you learn?” If I’m honest, Class A’s were not at the top of my list when we started looking for an RV because I had never driven anything nearly that big! But, the reality is that it’s really not all that daunting. And, like anything else, the more you do it, the better you get!So, to help put nerves at ease for those considering a motorhome purchase, I’m going to be talking about the aspects of driving a Class A motorhome to give you a better idea of what it’s like, how it differs from driving a passenger vehicle, and ideally give you the confidence to go take that test drive!To be clear, I am not an expert or an instructor. The ideas and thoughts are based on my experience driving our Holiday Rambler Vacationer with a gas engine. I have not driven a diesel pusher, and, while I understand there are some fundamental mechanical and operational differences, the concepts below should by and large apply to either platform.The First Drive“So, you want to take it for a drive?” Those words hit me in the face like a right hook from Mike Tyson. My family and I were standing in the living area of a beautiful Holiday Rambler motorhome. It was the very first RV we went to look at when we started our search. We had been given the tour and were honestly a little giddy with the thought that it could possibly be our new home for an incredible journey to come! And then the seller asked that question and I was snatched right out of my daydream. “You mean right now?” I said, as if his question was poorly timed. I mean I knew it was coming, we were there as potential buyers. I certainly wouldn’t buy a car without driving it, this shouldn’t be any different, right? So, after about a 15 second internal pep talk, and the realization that, if I was going to drive this thing across the country, I had to start somewhere, I said, “Let’s go!” And you know what? It wasn’t nearly as big a deal as I had made it out to be in my head! So now I can say with confidence that if you’re hesitant about getting a Class A because you lack the experience to drive it, don’t be. You can do it, and you’ll be glad you did!The Basics of Driving a Class A MotorhomeLet’s get the obvious out of the way off the bat. Regardless of what length the coach you decide to get is, it will be bigger and heavier than what you’re used to driving. By a lot. I had driven a few rental box trucks before. But none of them even came close to the size of our 37-foot-long Vacationer. Time and space will be your biggest allies as you pilot your coach! So, as long as you keep these fundamental things in mind every time you turn the key, you’ll be in good shape.
- Know your height and weight (fully loaded). Write them down on a sticky note and place it on the dash where you can see it.
- Better to know you won’t fit under an overpass before you get to it than to find out while you’re stuck under it.
- Take left turns wider than you think you need to, and right turns even wider. As nicely as these machines can handle while on the road, they will not turn on a dime.
- Allow yourself additional space to get up to speed with traffic. More importantly, leave plenty of space between yourself and the vehicle in front of you to slow down. Acceleration and braking distances are greatly increased in a vehicle this size.
- Don’t rush, take your time. Be patient with yourself and others. Enjoy the journey!
- You will gain a new respect for truckers, bus drivers, and any other large vehicle operators. Cars will cut you off, lane changes in heavy traffic are a bear, and finding a place to flip a U-ey when you miss a turn will be tough. In these moments, just refer back to tip #1!
- When a tractor trailer passes you on the highway, be prepared for the air cushion that comes with it. You will feel it push you but when you know it’s coming, you can manage it. The first time took me off-guard, so be aware of the big boys with the heavy foot!
- When approaching a turn or an exit, get in the correct lane WAY before you need to. Trying to get over at the last minute is not fun or very safe. So, plan ahead.
- Scout your route. Plan your fuel and rest stops ahead of time to make sure you can get in and out of the parking lot easy enough. Truck map apps are a good tool here.